NPO Presentation and volunteering at the Institute for Sustainable Finance | Social Held

NPO presentation and volunteering at the Institute for Sustainable Finance

published by Luiza Klecki

#yourmoneymatters. This is the motto of the Institute for Sustainable Finance. It is an institute that wants to provide an ethical-innovative – and above all sustainable! – access to money. We talked to Heidrun Kopp, chairwoman of the organization, about it. Have a read!

What does the Institute for Sustainable Finance stand for?

Our institute stands for a conscious, above all environmentally conscious, handling of money. We have founded a platform to make exactly this possible. On our platform, interested parties can read about which ethical-innovative finance initiatives exist, and which experts are behind the ideas and projects. As well as what questions to ask yourself and others to stay on top of the banking world. We firmly believe that every single decision can contribute to a livable and fair future.

What projects are you currently pursuing?

We are currently running our podcast called “Green Money Talks”, which offers guidance for all those who want to help shape the future sustainably through their financial decisions. In the form of interviews, we introduce people there who have expertise in this topic area. We also run the Women’s Money Club (WMC) because we know how important – sustainable! – financial knowledge is, especially for women. To this end, we hold online seminars entitled “Women & Finance: Step by Step to Your Own Sustainable Wealth”, which are designed to encourage and educate women on how to take their finances into their own hands. Topics discussed there include investing, stocks, funds, ETFs, and wealth accumulation – with a big focus on sustainability. And finally, we’ve recently started working on a project that deals with sustainable financial products. The first info on this can be found on Insta under birds of trust.

How is your work going during Corona?

Corona has changed everything we do. We have to work remotely as a young team; at least we can meet in person for jour fixes in the meantime. We have had to suspend the regular events for the Women’s Money Club, for the time being, however, we are confident that we will be able to start scheduling again this year. New projects have also been massively delayed as a result, but we’re sure newly acquired knowledge and our optimism will make up for it 😉.

Who would make your team complete?

At the moment, we are looking for volunteers who, at best, have experience in sustainability and finance and want to work independently. We are particularly keen that our colleagues share our motto and want to actively contribute to it: #yourmoneymatters.

What else do you need?

In the areas of research, social media, and event management, we are currently looking for people who would be interested in helping us out so that we can offer more events and new projects in our field in the future.

us a line!


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